Orgone/Radionics device- 15 hz zapper connected to pulsed Möbius Coil/Succor Punch Lemurian Seed Quartz in capstone.
15 Hz provides a subtle healing effect & cleansing of the chakra systems.
30k Hz is recommmended if around 5G, but either radionics frequency will be adept at transmuting the frequencies from cell towers and WiFi, 4g or 5g.
• Pyramid is 6x6" base, 7" height.
•The copper Earth pipes extend another 4.5", bringing total height from tip to end of pipe roughly 11.5".
• 6-7 lbs
• 2” Tensor Ring in base
Same elements as a Nubian Chakra pyramid, except the capstone driver Quartz is a succor punch (connected to a 35” cable via a möbius coil)- same crystals, metals, sea salts, minerals, gems, crystal/metal powders and ORMUS elixirs.
The Earth Pipes are filled with the standard MMSSO foundation.
Ultimate manifestation & etheric protection tool.
Orgone Earth pipes added for grounding/sky-ionizing ability.
Succor Punch/ Möbius Coil:
Scalar waves are produced when two electromagnetic waves of the same frequency are exactly out of phase (opposite to each other) and the amplitudes subtract and cancel or destroy each other.
The result is not exactly an annihilation of magnetic fields but a transformation of energy back into a scalar wave.
This scalar field has reverted back to a vacuum state of potentiality.
Scalar waves can be created by wrapping electrical wires around a figure eight in the shape of a möbius coil.
When an electric current flows through the wires in opposite directions, the opposing electromagnetic fields from the two wires cancel each other and create a scalar wave.
The Succor Punch is a clever radionic device that's used as a cloaking device and for broadcasting your intentions.
It's a quartz crystal that is wrapped with a special Moebius coil that is pulsed with a 15 Hertz signal, powered by a nine-volt battery.
The Moebius coil converts the 15 HZ pulse into an unorganized, chaotic scaler wave, upon which we can imprint our intentions.
In the scalar vacuum state this energy is susceptible to our thoughts and feelings.
Our cells react to environmental signals as well as to our thoughts.
Cells move toward growth signals and away from life-threatening stimuli.
Cells naturally move outwardly in growth and replication but are forced to retract or conserve their energy when repairing or feeling attacked.
A cell cannot be in growth and protection mode at the same time.
If our tissues and organs perceive a need for protection due to our negative thoughts, they will compromise their growth behavior.
A mobius coil generates pure chaotic energy.
It has no organization, nor does it have orgonization.
The crystal within the coil takes the chaotic energy, organizing and orgonizing it, filtering the chaos through its living order.
Filtering chaos through order creates life-force, or in other words, Orgone.
The coil has a very low-amperage pulsed current going through it, and this combination reliably generates very pure orgone.
Radionics / Manifestation
Manifestation is becoming a common idea if not obsession these days.
Manifestation has been a part of all cultures before the victory of the mechanistic world view in the 15th and 16th century.
The tibetan prayer wheel, the wishing candles in catholic churches, coins thrown into sacred wells in order to manifest prosperity, these are just a few examples.
All radionics machines have some kind of energy source. That’s ORGONE.
So we could say that all effective Radionics machines work according to the formula ORGONE + INTENTION = MANIFESTATION.
You just write your wish or intention on a piece of paper and place it under your pyramid. That’s your witness.
There’s a lot more to know about manifestation.
There are certain spiritual laws to it.
Orgonite does not allow you to manifest negative or destructive intentions.
Just having a succor punch crystal (let alone pyramid) blocks out most electronic surveillance devices and gives you protection against psychic spying (remote viewing).
These devices do of course generate a strong orgone field with all the stimulating and healing effects that go with it.
Thoughts and emotions have an electromagnetic frequency vibration that is perceived by every cell in the body through the instant communication system of scalar waves. Negative thoughts and emotions can interfere with the electromagnetic, biophoton signaling at the cellular membrane and DNA levels. When this happens, the communication signals become chaotic and cellular information and instructions for enzyme and protein formation become blocked.
The same thing happens when you are trying to get a clear picture on your television set. The TV antenna must be pointed in the direction of the transmitted incoming signal. Without this focusing, you only get static.
When you turn your attention away from the source (the Spirit or quantum energy source) by focusing on negative thoughts and emotions, your cells and DNA receive and transmit static. In this case, your cells lose the signal or instructions on what to do and they become chaotic or uneasy, as in ‘dis-ease.’
If you look at the source of negative thoughts and emotions, in all cases you will find that the root cause is “fear.” When you allow fear to interfere (enter-fear) with your DNA signaling, you are traveling down the path of cellular degeneration.
The opposite of fear is love. Unconditional love is the emotional quality or feeling associated with having a connection with the “Universal Creative Energy.”
Love is the highest positive energy. It transcends all other feelings and emotions.
Love is the energy and power of God or the Source of what keeps us alive.
When we are connected to the highest expression of love, there is no room for fear. With love there is trust – trust in our abilities and ourselves; trust in the Divine plan.
You can love someone without trusting them, but you cannot have trust without love. Having fear means you have become out of step with Trust and Love.
In conclusion, our positive beliefs and intentions act to enhance the body’s natural flow of scalar energy primarily produced by the heart, vascular system and supercoil DNA.
Scalar waves provide a zero-point or vacuum field of unlimited potential.
This field neutralizes chaotic incoming signals from the environment and from our negative thoughts, thereby allowing our cells to utilize their own innate wisdom for self-healing.
Various radionics methods used in conjunction with pure Orgone allow us to shift the negative thoughts and unconscious limiting beliefs that create the energetic patterns that induce chaotic vibrations into the body’s scalar field.
When the scalar field resonates with life-enhancing vibrations, all the cells in the body also experience growth signals leading to optimal health and vitality.
• Capstone:
-Large Quartz in a faraday cage, with brass, pure silver, 23k gold, quartz sand, small garnets, grape agates, super seven amethysts, aquamarines & emeralds.
• Middle portion:
-4 Lemurian seed quartz on the sides coiled in copper, plus an array of all the protective crystals, minerals and gemstones beneath the top Quartz in the capstone:
Selenite, large and small dodecahedron garnets, large & small elite shungite, black tourmaline, large & small aquamarines, rose de France large amethysts, large & small quartz rock, blue kyanite, emeralds, super seven amethysts, grape agates, & Selenite powder.
• Base (metal/ORMUS matrix):
Purple manna gold ORMUS, brass, aluminum filings, Selenite powder, iron filings, copper oxide, aluminum powder, red iron oxide, black iron oxide, beach sand, sea salt & large quartz sand.
Faraday cage coiled clockwise pointing downwards🌪
• Prep: all crystals charged with intentions/prayers with 528hz tones in a bucket of distilled/Auro/orgonite charged water, & cleansed under the sun. ☀️
The foundation must be the most potent part of any generator. The foundations of all devices (usually black/brown colored) contain what I term the "metal matrix", but it also contains crystal powders.
It's this layer that creates a powerful Orgone/ORMUS field that combines with the other layers (that are filled with brass, copper, aluminum, silver, gold, Lemurian Seed, Laser, Smokey and rock Quartz, Amethyst, Elite Shungites, Black Tourmaline, Blue Kyanite, Selenite, Large Dodecahedron Garnets, Rhodizite, Super Seven Amethyst, Aquamarines, Small dodecahedron garnets, Grape Agates and different sized Quartz Sand) to create a well-balanced, powerful, negative ion & scalar wave generating Orgone device capable of transmuting harmful, negative, deadly, stagnant energies into positive and harmonizing the surrounding environment with subtle, positive healing pranic/etheric/orgone energy.
The device is self-sustaining & works 24/7 & does not need to be charged.
However, cleansing it under the sun and charging it under the moon for a few hours every few weeks is recommended.
Keeping the device grounded indoors or out in moderate temperatures is also recommended.