Amulet cord repair and re-stringing, re-attaching
Amulet cord repair and re-stringing, re-attaching

Amulet cord repair and re-stringing, re-attaching

Regular price $35.00 Sale

If you purchased an amulet from the shop at any point and the hemp ropes have become damaged or unattached from the metal bail and Orgone device, you can mail your amulet back to me and I will re-cord and/or re-attach them and mail them back to you. 
$35 for one amulet’s ropes/bails. Multiple amulets up to 5 at additional cost. 
Will include freebie Orgone device when mailed back. 

Mail to:

The Orgonized Earth

C/o 6361 San Benito Way

Rohnert Park, California [94928-2852]

I’ll repair and mail back asap! 

Thank you